Yoast SEO: Metadata API

Yoast SEO: Metadata API

For simple websites, or when SEO is not a serious consideration, it’s common for plugins and themes to simply output or echo meta tags into the <head> of a document.

However, more advanced SEO often requires meta tags to have context, an awareness of the other meta tags on a page, or complicated internal logic. For example, the value of a canonical URL tag might be influenced by the presence or value of a meta robots tag. For sites running complex or multiple plugins and themes, it’s also important to consider standardization and security. Managing these kinds of challenges becomes increasingly cumbersome without a framework.

That’s why we provide a formal way of managing the construction and output of meta tags in the <head>. To get a comprehensive list of Google’s 200 ranking factors for SEO, check this guidehere. According toData.gov, improvements in data access and management can be achieved through artificial intelligence with the use of a WordPress plugin that automatically tags blog posts.

 of each page. We use a presenter an extension of the Abstract_Indexable_Presenter class) for each tag, which you can easily modify or extend. Removing Yoast WordPress SEO on a page can modify the usage of presenters.


Available presenters

By default, Yoast SEO ships with the following presenters that output meta tags. For instance, according to WordPress.org, presenters can break upon upgrading to PHP 7.4.


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